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The Power of The Breath

Breath work holds immense significance in the Avery household. We rely on the power of the breath to pause before reacting, to create space in moments that need a gentle pause. It serves as a tool to release negativity and invite positivity into our lives. And most importantly, it equips us to navigate the challenges that life throws our way.

A remarkable incident unfolded when my youngest, at the tender age of seven, stood before her first-grade class and fearlessly shared a technique she had been using to conquer her anger - 'five finger breathing.' This simple practice enabled her to channel her emotions in a healthier manner, teaching her classmates the profound impact of conscious breathing. Given her natural inclination towards anger, we have actively supported her in finding safe outlets to express her frustration without harming herself or others. Astonishingly, even before turning eight, both of our children grasped the interconnection between breath, stress, and anger, recognizing its invaluable role during moments of desperate need.

The Dalai Lama once said, "If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." Inspired by this wisdom, my primary goal as a parent has been to instill the practice of meditation in our children, ensuring it becomes second nature to them as they grow. I aspire for them to utilize this inner transformation to eradicate violence within themselves, ultimately contributing to a more peaceful world. With parents who practice meditation themselves, our children have witnessed and engaged in it alongside us, be it through brief sessions or by observing our personal retreats. They have seen us navigate our anger, sometimes succeeding in attaining a state of inner peace. Undoubtedly, it benefits us all.

Five Finger Breathing

This is an introduction to the Five Finger Breath - a simple yet potent technique that holds the potential to enhance mindfulness and tranquility in your daily life. Regardless of your age or experience, this practice can work wonders, whether you're a busy professional seeking stress relief or a parent searching for a way to impart self-regulation skills to your children.

To engage in the Five Finger Breathing technique, follow these steps:

  • Find a comfortable seated position or lie down in a relaxed posture. If it feels comfortable, gently close your eyes.

  • Take a moment to tune in to your breath, observing its natural rhythm without attempting to alter it.

  • Extend your hand in front of you, palm facing you, and begin with your thumb.

  • As you inhale slowly and deeply, use the index finger of your opposite hand to trace your thumb from the base to the tip, feeling the sensation of the breath filling your lungs.

  • Pause briefly at the top of your inhale, gently holding the breath for a moment.

  • As you exhale, trace your thumb back down to the base using your middle finger, experiencing the release of breath and the letting go of any tension or stress.

  • Repeat this process with each finger, inhaling as you trace up, pausing briefly, and exhaling as you trace down. Use your ring finger for the third round, followed by your pinky finger for the fourth round.

  • After tracing each finger, take a moment to reflect on the overall effect of the practice. Observe any shifts in your state of mind, body, or emotions.

Five Finger Breathing serves as a powerful ally during times of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm. It directs your focus towards the breath, anchoring you to the present moment and fostering a sense of calm. The engagement with the sense of touch in the practice is also beneficial in connecting with the self and disconnecting from emotion. By integrating this technique into your daily routine, you can deepen your connection with yourself and unlock the transformative benefits of breath work.

Should you have any questions about meditation, breath work, or if you would like to explore a consultation or guidance session, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to provide you with support and assistance. Together, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, well-being, and inner peace. The power of your breath is always within reach.

Inhale... Exhale... And let the journey begin.

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